Authentic Muay Thai
Muay Thai, a combat sport from Thailand, uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques. It has become the foundation for many MMA fighters’ stand-up game because of its ferocious use of hands, feet, elbows and knees. Muay Thai blends these weapons into deadly combinations, earning its nickname as “the art of eight limbs.” Our Muay Thai classes are led by Matee “Dragonleg” Jedeepitak, a five times world championships including the coveted Lumpinee stadium champion title. The class will provide a mixture of shadow boxing, bag work, pad work, partner drills, and friendly sparring that will burn hundreds of calories. As you master attacks, blocks and evasions, you will progress through the Dragon Leg curriculum earning different colored arm bands to recognize your achievement. For competitors, classes and private instruction provide the specialized advanced techniques needed to win a championship, and fight training will offer a chance to test your skills in the ring!
What’s waiting for you…
World Class Instructor
Sharp Techniques
Friendly Training Partners